My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

two things.............

This is going around now so I'll do it...

Two Names I Go by 1. Mommy 2. Jax

Two Things I am Wearing Right Now:1. bathing suit 2. towel

Two Things I Want (or have) in a Relationship: 1. Honesty 2. love

Two of My Favorite Things to do:1. scrap 2. go to the beach

2 Things I Want Very Badly At The Moment: 1. some ME time 2. to remain in remission

Two pets I have: 5 pekingese pups 2. a 75 gallon fishtank

Two things I did last night:1. laundry(always doing laundry) 2. almost scrapped an entire layout while Joshy napped

Two things I ate today: 1. hamburger at the block party 2. a bite of Joshy's watermelon

Two people I just talked to last:1. John 2. Aunt Sue to tell her what prizes she won at the block party.

Two Things I'm doing tomorrow: laundry for a change and going to the beach

Two longest car rides:1. Tampa to Colorado 2. Tampa to New Jersey

Two Favorite Holidays:1. Christmas/Hanukkah season and my birthday, celebrating it, not the age

Two favorite beverages:1. unsweetened iced tea with lots of lemon 2. flavored water from walk mart

Last but not least, two thoughts on American Idol: 1. i think the voting public is NUTS 2. refused to watch it after the whole Sanjuia (sp?) fiasco

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