My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It is one day closer

Today is Sunday and that is one day closer to Tuesday and the BIG day.

C'mon Sunday, be good to me and let me get thru til Tuesday, pretty please.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Does anyone remember that "game" of sorts? When you shimmy your way under the pole til it gets too low? Isn't LIMBO what that is called?

Well, my entire life seems to be in limbo right now and truthfully, regardless of the outcome, Tuesday can NOT get here soon enough.
It is stressing me out to remain in limbo and the pole is getting lower and lower. YIKES, c'mon Tuesday, get here already.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

where has this month gone??

I just realized that I haven't blogged since the very beginning of the month. Oh my. I wonder if anyone else has noticed? Ha.

Back to school time is always a busy time of year for this teacher, but this year has been MUCH more overwhelming than usual. Not only did I move classrooms-heck, I do that EVERY single year, but I changed grade levels AND subjects. So, I am feeling a bit(okay A LOT) more overwhelmed than usual.

Added to all this stress was the fact that it wasn't only back to school for me, but my lil man began Kindergarten on Tuesday!! I managed to stay dry-eyed, although I am not 100% certain how that happened. He was so darn thrilled to be going to MY school and reminds me daily that Bay Crest is now OUR school. He is loving it, but I will say that I was not at all surprised when on the second day of school, he came home with a check mark in his behavior folder. Oy, gonna be a LONG year.

My kiddos this year seem sweet. I have many of the same ones that I had last year and that is a good thing. Surprising to take note that a bunch of them really seem to have "grown" up over the summer!! Unfortunately, I am still not feeling completely comfy with the math/science curriculum, but that will come with time and me doing MY homework and preparation.

Next Tuesday the 31st may actually bring NUMEROUS changes to my assignment so I am not(well trying not to) stress too too much. As we keep saying, "with the class sign ammendment in full enforcement this year, everything is subject to change."
If a certain someone gets a phonecall on Monday or Tuesday, then my assignment may just change significantly as will my group of students, teaching partner and way more than I am willing to mentally deal with at this point. So, for the time being, I am going thru the motions, doing what I need to do and awaiting Monday/Tuesday before I settle in completely.

I am a true believer that everything happens the way that it is supposed to when it supposed to, so I KNOW that worrying/stressing over any of this is not in my best interest, and Tuesday WILL be here soon enough.

For the time being, I will hang in there and wish only good things for this certain someone, despite the upheaval it may create.

I am MORE than ready for this rainy/crummy weather to be DONE with. We have NOT seen the FLorida sunshine in over a week and although many luv living in Seattle, I NEED me some vitamin D. So, rain rain go away please and while you are at it, Tuesday, would u just hurry up and arrive?

Happy Thursday. Hoping for a sunshine-filled weekend!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

that mini vacation

ya know the one that i said that i needed from the real vacation? well, aunt sue and i were talking bout it and things seems to fall into place, like we were meant to be going to clearwater beach for an overnight.
so, i booked it. nice suite very c heap price........

then comes the clincher. i said I needed a vacation. I needed a break. I needed to get away. and what happens, the boyz decide to join me. AGGGGGGGG.
the lil one has been whiny and I hate whiny. the big one doesn't like the beach unless he can fish, which you can not do on clearwater beach. so he sat looking like he was in pain. yeah, that made me feel good and relaxed. ughhh.

sometimes it is just better to let US go and u stay home. kwim? well apparently you didnt', but I did tell u such when we got home. I am all for family vacations, but c'mon, don't act so flippin miserable. I put on a good front for ELEVEN days with YOUR parents. Suck it up at the beach or stay home next time, k?
