My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I just LUV Progress

OMG I walked into my house today and it almost felt like my home, albeit the entire family room and kitchen is currently in the dining room, but who cares???????????????

There are NOOOOOO holes in the ceiling, they are all patched up and today even texturized. WOO HOO. Get this, the texture matches. Double woo hoo.
I know that almost sounds silly to me, but after more than THREE weeks, it is sooooo nice to get to see progress.
Yesterday the entire kitchen was wrapped in saran wrap. It was comical actually, but tomorrow we should have painted ceilings.

If all goes according to schedule, I will spend my birthday on Monday sleeping in my OWN room

Once again, staying with Aunt Sue has been awesome, but my bed is feeling a bit lonely as are my poor puppers. Plus, I miss them like CRAZY.

Okay, gotta head back outta here, but thanks to all who have followed my saga. :)

1 comment:

eljay716 said...

so glad this nightmare is about over for you all Jackie. Geez, a whole lot of mess for a leak huh? thank god you had someplace to go that you are comfortable with.