My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


For those of you who started to and added to the DRAMA today, thanks bunches.

I do feel quite sorry for those at UB that have little or nothing better to do. As for my sil, the one who began it all, I feel even more sorry.

I wish that I could post more about this whole thing, but it all began by some woman who does NOT even know me, hasn't laid eyes on my child since he was 6 weeks old and well, doesn't warrant more discussion.

For those of you from UB(and btw, I had never even heard of UB until today), thank you for the praise and piss on those of you that TRULY need to get a life.

Me, I am off to have a wonderful dinner with my husband and son.

Scrappin Jackie
Scrapbooker, Mommy, Dedicated Wife, Teacher and YES, Multiple Sclerosis patient, advocate, volunteer and winner of numerous awards for my dedication to ending the devestating effects of this MonSter................


Miguelita said...

Good for you! I saw the drama on UB and couldnt believe it or understand it. Sorry you were innocently caught up. There are alot of very bitter women who never eat on UB. They take out all of that hunger on the innocent.
But there are some funny and kind people there too and alot of them were sticking up for you.

Your son is adorable!

Dremaz said...
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