My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

playing catch up

that seems to be my newest "theme" as I am forever trying to catch up. I doubt that I ever will, but one can hope right?

had a very nice weekend. saturday, nancy came all the way up here from engelwood to scrap. we went to an all day event that i literally could have walked to on my street. it was a very nice group of ladies and I got 12 pages accomplished. woo hoo.

spent some family time together yesterday and all in all had a nice weekend.

joshy and daddy had the entire day on saturday together and the highlight was a stop at the local fire dept. where they received a personal tour. wow. great pics they took too.

sadly, my team mate julie, had to put her 4 year old doggie, Baron, down over the weekend. I cried like a baby for them and then made her a nice altered photo frame with her favorite pic in it this morning. she seemed very happy to have it.

I am getting very xcited for our weekend couples weekend that begins on Friday. John and I are going to this sponsored by the National MS Society and I can NOT wait. I have met the couple w ho is doing the seminar and they are truly amazing. I am hopeful that we both learn a whole lot from their attitudes and how they have dealt with MS for over 20 years.

Well, better go and straighten up while the lil one is snappin. Happy Monday to all.

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