My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Interview with Myself- Snatched from Miss Linda

1.If your doctor told you today that you were pregnant, what would you say? I would probably freak out since i had dh neutered!

2.When was the last time you were on a plane? July 2007 on our way home from Denver and our trip to South Dakotah.

3.What did the last text message you sent say? Can you believe, I have NEVER sent one?!

4. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? nice smile and beautiful eyes

5. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? Organizing my life is a top priority followed by organizing choo choos yet again.

6.Shoe size? 8 wide.

7.Been to Mexico? Yes

8. When was the last time you had a massage? TOOOO long ago.

9.What was the last TV show you watched? Law and Order last night
10. What are your plans for weekend? Grocery store-ugh.

11.If your significant other asked you to marry them Today what would you say? Yes

12.What is in the backseat of your car right now? carseat, trains, shoes and other assorted crap!

13. What were you doing at 8 a.m. this morning? Watching tv. Hadn’t got up yet.

14.If you could marry any celebrity who would it be? Chris Meloni
15. Have you ever been to a strip club? No. Memory Mavens had some come to a crop once a LONG time ago

16. What is the best ice cream flavor? Coffee all the way.
17. What is the last sporting event you watched? I will watch the Super Bowl.

18.Ever go camping? not willingly

19.Last phone call? I spoke to my MIL. she can't find her cell and I had to call verizon to suspend it and call her back to let her know it has been turned off.

20. Are you allergic to anything? 3 year olds, dusting and laundry. No seriously, I am allergic to cherry pie filling, iodine and sulpha drugs. I was actually allergic to CHOCOLATE when I was pg. Yet another reason to NOT be pg. again. LOL

21. What is one thing you have learned about life lately?? Daddy taught me a LONG time ago, that LIFE IS NOT FAIR and he was right.
22.What do you do at work? Take care of my boys, my pups, the fish, the house and teach 3rd grade
23. What is your mother's name? the egg donor is Elissa Insler and my step mom is Lorraine Tinsky.

24.Ever cried for no reason? No but it doesn’t take much sometimes.

25.Can you do the Crank Hat Dance? never heard of it.

26. What is your favorite color to wear? I am partial to browns.

27. What is the longest plane ride you have ever been on? Hawaii

28.What is the longest road trip you have ever taken? Tampa to Fort Collins Colorado-NEVER again.

29.What are your turn offs? Dishonesty, disloyalty and people who make judgements about others.

30.What is your last alcoholic beverage? Pina Colada on my birthday FOUR years ago. YIKES.

31. What are you craving right now? SLEEP and a Provigil. Must be medicine time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did you find out who your "egg donor" was? My mother was artificially inseminated too, and I have been searching for the donor for years. Can you help me? What a relief it must have been to find her. I bet you see yourself in her face. Bless you.