My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Firday....okay its Thursday

However, for those of us lucky enough to have a day off tomorrow to celebrate the State Fair, it IS Friday. YEAH.

I am ready for a day off. Had a busy week, a whiny difficult child and some drama going on at school. Ohhhhhhhh. Glad it is all over.

I am still in hot pursuit of a new job share partner and seem to have some interest at the moment. It is all about health insurance, but I have several options so I am not getting too stressed yet. Our units were allocated today and the big P will discuss grade level placements next week. Oh joy. We get to worry about it all weekend long. Darn it.

Secret Sweetie starts on Monday so I have some projects to put together for mine. I am scrapping alllllllllll day on Saturday at the church on my street(sorry Daddy, crappin in a church-I KNOW u r rolling over for sure), but I hope to get some pages accomplished for ME. Last week's crop, I did get a bunch done for gift albums. Sat. it is all about ME ME ME.

Can't wait to spend the day with Nancy and Helen too. It will be great fun, if I can get my shit together tomorrow and Joshy allows me to.
Have a great weekend,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie -

Are you Jewish? You look Jewish but I cannot tell because you seem to like a lot of Jesus and Christmas stuff. Is your boy a Jew? We have lots of scrapping parties at our synagogue. You would be welcome to come.