My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

word of the year

I chose the word F~O~C~U~S for the year 2010 and although we are only 25 days into this new decade, I am really trying to stick to my word.

This weekend we were able to have some grown up time-and most of you know that does NOT happen very often. John and I were able to have an entire conversation without hearing "Mommy, Daddy, Daddy, Mommy" and as much as I missed those two words, it was very nice to FOCUS on being grown ups!!

Also spent time this weekend focusing on some tasks in the house that have been screaming to be attended to but often get pushed aside when there are two little hands wanting to "help".

Due to my focus on decluttering, we were able to hoist all of the Christmas/Hanukkah totes up into the attic and some still had room in them because we threw so many decorations away that we just don't use or put out.

Toss Ten Tuesday has been working miracles(thanks Jen). I have another pile to take to the Goodwill this week. I swear that guy is going to know me by name. Ha.

I realized when I wrote the date on a check this morning that I am missing my daddy a whole BUNCH and now I know why. I miss him alllllll the time but I took a moment to focus on the fact that Weds. will be SIX years since he left me. Gosh, that just does not seem possible.

So, for now I am going to focus on preparing a nice, healthy meal for my boys and give KC his medicine and special dinner too. He is 7 months and 8 days into his six month to one year prognosis and although he is getting a bit porky from a combo of prednisone and good food, he is doing GR-8.

So, what is your focus this week??? Take time to think about it and for g*d sake, would someone PLEASE comment?????????? PLEASE.

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