My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy November 22nd

Three years ago at this very moment, the decision was made.......
I was rushed down the hall to the operating room as my baby boy Joshy was NOT tolerating my labor and the doctor didn't want anything to happen.

So at 10:45am, John donned his scrubs and off we went. Approx. 30 minutes later, the tiniest of lil guys was welcomed into this world by two of the most appreciative(and scared) parents.

Happy Birthday Joshua Daniel!! You are truly a gift-I just wish my Daddy were here to share you with us, but oh he is soooo here in many many ways.

I luv you little man and I am so proud to call you my own!


Dawn said...

HAPPY Birthday Joshy!!!

eljay716 said...

Happy Birthday and happy Thanksgiving to you all!