My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

cool snap

Wow, woke up this morning and it is DEF. crisp out there. Luv it, but actually have the heat on to warm it up downstairs.

Easter Sunday was a very nice day around here. Joshy was ECSTATIC over all of the goodies that the Easter Bunny left for him and I was pretty thankful that the majority of it was NOT candy. He got a bunch of dvd's that he is torturing us with watching-LOL. One of his favorites was his fireman costume that he fought with us about taking off. I will post photos in a minute. He also got a very cool Lionel choo choo lite up crossing sign that is also a bank. What a lucky little man.

We ate outside by the pool for the first time and it really was a nice day all the way around.

I have a very busy week again this week. Last night were HOA elections and I got another two year term to serve. (cause according to everyone else, I don't have enough to do). Today is report card check, tomorrow an appt. at the JCC and a meeting at Whims for my choo choo ride crop in April. Thursday night is report card pick up at school and conference night. Friday I WILL collapse.

We have a slow weekend ahead but our last one before we head up to Philly next week. Yikes, I am tired just typing it all.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

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