My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


So far, it has been a productive day!! I have been working for weeks on packaging and organizing "stuff" to take to and sell at the Whim-so-Doodle scrappin yard sale.
Let me tell you, it was WELL worth the efforts.

I made $171.50-$10 fee for the table/booth rental and I am one VERY happy scrapper!! In addition, I have sold a bunch of stuff on Ebay in the last few weeks and I have managed to scrape together enough $$ to go on the WSD choo choo excursion to St. Augustine. I am very xcited.

BIG thanks to Amanda for sharing the space and her efforts while we tag teamed the table. I didn't spend much at all, cept for the $2 Jules wiggled outta my pocket.

Now to put the left overs away :(
Happy Saturday all,

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