My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

the WIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG for those of you NOT living in the Tpa Bay area, let me just tell you what kind of crazy weather we are having.
It was almost 80 degrees yesterday and BLAH .....the skies opened up like you would NOT believe last night. Not sure what the rain total was, but it was ALOT. The pool is emptying and wow. Now this morning, the wind is howling and although the sun is shining we have dropped about 20+ degrees.

Just to give you some idea of how windy it is: DH opened the front door to go outside for a minute and we heard a huge CRASH!! the wind blew the dooor out of his hand and then blew an 8x10 picture off the wall upstairs. Can u imagine.?

Thankfully, it was a cheap-o frame and no doggies, people or kiddos were injured in this wind blast. Driving in it is going to be fun later.

Off to do some laundry for a change. Happy Saturday.

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