My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

MARY tagged everyone who hasn't been tagged and I hadn't. so here are the rules.

The rules are as follows:
1) Link to the "tagger" & post the rules
.2) Share 7 facts about yourself- random / weird facts
.3) Tag 7 people & link to them.
4) Leave comments on their blogs, so they know they've been tagged.
So, if I tag you.....follow those rules!!!!!

7 facts about me:

1-I hate MUSHY foods
2- I can NOT even look at a canned pea w/o wanting to THROW up.
3-Just thinking about cotton gives me the WILLIES-typing about it isn't helping either
4-I REFUSE to allow my students to use glitter cause it makes me crazy
5-my best friend from 6th grade and I still talk weekly(and its a guy)!!
6-before I got FAT, I was a great gymnast. I was known as the kid who could do a perfect Russian split.
7-I can NOT sleep with my feet under the covers

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