My Luv!!

My Luv!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

part two

I also realized that if you leave a certain lil blondie alone and NOT stress over certain things, they will come.

So, you hope and pray and say outloud in your head each time that you stand in the baby aisle contemplating........"this WILL be the last package of pull ups that I buy" that if you just model the behavior and encourage, he WILL eventually NOT be afraid to poop on the toilet!! and I may have indeed purchased the last package of pull ups. In fact, I bought big boy underwear instead.

I also realized that if I do NOT worry about him every learning his alphabet in English and not Josh-a-neese, that too will come. We are now happily identifying letters by sight and correctly correlating their sounds.
For those of you who don't know-being a teacher, I want him to learn. Being a Mommy, I want him to learn, but he does NOT go to pre-school(for numerous reasons) and I was starting to feel that he would just NEVER get it.

So if you give it time, he WILL learn.
Realizations are a wonderful way to start the day.
And the final one, as he screams for someone to help him "wipe",

My BABY is not a BABY anymore. :(

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